Supporting Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE): Socio-Emotional Strengths and Needs. This session will focus on strategies for addressing the social, emotional, and cultural needs of SIFE. Participants will discuss the specific strengths and challenges of these students and learn about what to expect in terms of SIFE stages of language development. They will set goals for fostering a culturally responsive school climate that incorporates the social, emotional, and cultural needs of SIFE into their classrooms.
Participants will:
- Identify characteristics and challenges of SIFE
- Apply advocacy and leadership strategies to support SIFE and their families.
- Explore strategies for culturally relevant instruction in support of developing SIFE academic learning and personal well-being.
- Set goals for fostering a culturally responsive school climate that incorporates the social, emotional, and cultural needs of SIFE.
Should SW BOCES' MLP be "full", please register at Rockland BOCES' website using their MLP link here.