to Jun 30

NYSITELL Administration Training - Asynchronous Online Course - March 14 through June 30, 2024

The NYSITELL is the tool used for the identification of students as English Language Learners (ELLs). This workshop is designed to train participants in the administration of the NYSITELL. The NYSITELL must be administered by qualified personnel (NYS certified TESOL, bilingual teachers, administrators or NYS certified teachers who have been trained in language acquisition and culturally responsive practices.) This training is appropriate for anyone new to or who would like to review the NYSITELL administration procedures.

To begin the course, please click on this link.

Fee: Free

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

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to Jun 30

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students - Asynchronous Workshop via Choice Board

  • Google Calendar ICS

What are Advanced Literacies, and how do they relate to ELL/MLL learner success? In this workshop, participants will dive into the Advanced Literacy Briefs on Linguistically Diverse Learners in relation to the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, provided to NYS by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD & Emily Phillips Galloway, Ed.D.

This is a self-paced workshop that consists of four separate workshop activities displayed on a Choice Board; participants are welcome to complete all four actvities, or just the ones they are most interested in, to earn 2 CTLE Credits for each workshop activity and up to 8 CTLE credits for completing the entire Choice Board. CTLE certificates are automatically emailed upon completion (no registration is required).

The Choice Board can be accessed at this link.

Choice Board topics are:

  • Advanced Literacies for Academic Success: Introduction to the term "Advanced Literacies” and their importance in today's educational and professional literacy contexts. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • What Goes Into Effective Reading Comprehension? Not all students struggle with complex reading for the same reason. Instruction must be guided by these individual differences. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • The Hallmarks of Advanced Literacy Instruction: How the instructional core can prepare today's students for tomorrow's success. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • Planning for Advanced Literacies: Instructional cycles and project-based learning that meets the needs of linguistically diverse learners. (2 CTLE Credits)

Fee: Free

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

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to Jun 30

ENL Co-Teaching Models - Asynchronous Course

  • Hudson Valley RBERN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Which models exist for co-teachers to plan their instruction in the same classroom? Participants will gain a practical understanding of Marilyn Friend’s six (6) Co-teaching Models (including Honigsfeld & Dove's 7-model adaptation). Participants will explore when and how to use each of the models presented.

Click here to take this asynchronous course.

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to Jun 30

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations - Asynchronous Course

  • Hudson Valley RBERN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What are the building blocks of a successful ENL Co-Teaching partnership? Participants will explore the fundamentals of building a viable co-teaching partnership, and understand how co-teachers can begin to integrate the expertise of both teachers into each lesson they co-teach.

Click here to take this asynchronous course.

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to Jun 30

NYSESLAT Administration Training - Asynchronous Course

  • Google Calendar ICS

Participants will learn test structure, administration rules and scheduling best practices for the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT). Participants may also practice scoring sample speaking and writing responses. Each workshop module is worth 1 CTLE hour, for a total of 3 CTLE hours.

Registration is not required; participants will automatically receive a CTLE certificate to their email address after completing the module quiz (80% or better completion required).

Descriptions of each module are below; participants can choose which parts they want to complete.

Participants can access the Choice Board at this link: Asynchronous NYSESLAT Administration Training Module Choice Board

HV RBERN 2024 Asynchronous NYSESLAT Administration Training Modules:

Part 1: NYSESLAT Overview

In Part 1, participants will learn statewide rules for administration and facilitation of NYSESLAT Exams for all districts, schools, and grades.

Part 2: NYSESLAT Scoring Speaking Practice

In Part 2, participants will learn rules and regulations for NYSESLAT Speaking Scoring and listen to scoring speaking items at various proficiency levels.

Part 3: NYSESLAT Writing Scoring Practice

In Part 3, participants will unpack the NYSESLAT Writing Rubrics and Rubric Glossary and practice scoring NYSESLAT Writing tasks for their preferred grade bands.

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski.

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to Jun 30

NYSESLAT Administration Training - Asynchronous Training Modules via Choice Board

Participants will learn test structure, administration rules and scheduling best practices for the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT). Participants may also practice scoring sample speaking and writing responses. Each workshop module is worth 1 CTLE hour, for a total of 3 CTLE hours. Registration is not required; participants will automatically receive a CTLE certificate to their email address after completing the module quiz (80% or better completion required).

Descriptions of each module are below; participants can choose which parts they want to complete.

Participants can access the Choice Board at this link: Asynchronous NYSESLAT Administration Training Module Choice Board

HV RBERN 2024 Asynchronous NYSESLAT Administration Training Modules:

Part 1: NYSESLAT Overview
In Part 1, participants will learn statewide rules for administration and facilitation of NYSESLAT Exams for all districts, schools, and grades.

Part 2: NYSESLAT Scoring Speaking Practice
In Part 2, participants will learn rules and regulations for NYSESLAT Speaking Scoring and listen to scoring speaking items at various proficiency levels.

Part 3: NYSESLAT Writing Scoring Practice
In Part 3, participants will unpack the NYSESLAT Writing Rubrics and Rubric Glossary and practice scoring NYSESLAT Writing tasks for their preferred grade bands.

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

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to Jun 30

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations - Asynchronous Course

  • Hudson Valley RBERN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What are the building blocks of a successful ENL Co-Teaching partnership? Participants will explore the fundamentals of building a viable co-teaching partnership, and understand how co-teachers can begin to integrate the expertise of both teachers into each lesson they co-teach.

Click here to take this asynchronous course.

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to Jun 30

ENL Co-Teaching Models - Asynchronous Course

  • Hudson Valley RBERN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Which models exist for co-teachers to plan their instruction in the same classroom? Participants will gain a practical understanding of Marilyn Friend’s six (6) Co-teaching Models (including Honigsfeld & Dove's 7-model adaptation). Participants will explore when and how to use each of the models presented.

Click here to take this asynchronous course.

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to Jun 30

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students - Asynchronous Workshop via Choice Board

  • Google Calendar ICS

What are Advanced Literacies, and how do they relate to ELL/MLL learner success? In this workshop, participants will dive into the Advanced Literacy Briefs on Linguistically Diverse Learners in relation to the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, provided to NYS by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD & Emily Phillips Galloway, Ed.D.

This is a self-paced workshop that consists of four separate workshop activities displayed on a Choice Board; participants are welcome to complete all four actvities, or just the ones they are most interested in, to earn 2 CTLE Credits for each workshop activity and up to 8 CTLE credits for completing the entire Choice Board. CTLE certificates are automatically emailed upon completion (no registration is required).

The Choice Board can be accessed at this link.

Choice Board topics are:

  • Advanced Literacies for Academic Success: Introduction to the term "Advanced Literacies” and their importance in today's educational and professional literacy contexts. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • What Goes Into Effective Reading Comprehension? Not all students struggle with complex reading for the same reason. Instruction must be guided by these individual differences. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • The Hallmarks of Advanced Literacy Instruction: How the instructional core can prepare today's students for tomorrow's success. (2 CTLE Credits)

  • Planning for Advanced Literacies: Instructional cycles and project-based learning that meets the needs of linguistically diverse learners. (2 CTLE Credits)

Fee: Free

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

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