ELL Identification: Screening Interview (Part 2)
Registrars need only attend Part 1, 9-11 am, and do not need to attend Part 2, 11 am-3 pm;
Those registered for Part 2 MUST ALSO register for Part 1.
This workshop is to support districts with designing a clear and cohesive process for the identification of English Language Learners, from registration, through the interview screening processes, and the administration of the NYSITELL.
Participants will review:
- The screening interview processes
- SIFE and Multilingual Literacy Screener (MLS) administration
- An overview of the role of the LPT for potential ELLs who are already identified as a student with a disability
- District teams will design their own screening kits for the various grade bands with materials appropriate to each level
REGISTRATION/SIGN-IN: 11:00-11:30 am
Cost: Free
Lunch: On Your Own
For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBE-RN.