How will the NYS Next Generation Standards apply to ELL students? In this full-day workshop, participants will examine parts of the Next Generation Standards (NGS) to understand how they relate to NYSESLAT Performance Level Descriptions (PLDs), Targets of Measurement (ToMs), and the New Language Arts Progressions (NLAP). Participants will learn to use several tools that can help teachers plan and provide scaffolded instruction, as outlined by the NGS, for students with developing language proficiency.
Participants will also take a deep dive into the Advanced Literacy Briefs regarding Linguistically Diverse Learners and the Next Generation Learning Standards provided to NYS by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD from Harvard University & Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD from Vanderbilt University.
Learning Objectives:
-Participants will gain foundational knowledge of the NGS.
-Participants will understand how the NGS relates to Common-Core aligned tools for ELL instruction and assessment (the NLAP, ToMs and PLDs).
-Participants will understand the connection between the NGS, Advanced Literacies and Linguistically Diverse Learners.
Registration/Sign-in: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Fee: Free
Lunch: to be provided
For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBE-RN.
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