Educators teaching English Language Learners have the responsibility to ensure access to the most effective and appropriate learning environment. When an ELL student is struggling academically, educators need to understand the multiple and complex factors affecting a student's learning. Student behaviors observed may appear similar to characteristics of a disability and educators need to carefully rule out all factors that are not intrinsic to the individual. It is challenging to distinguish if language acquisition, cultural and linguistic diversity, gaps in learning or an actual disorder is at play. A multidisciplinary team must investigate, paying special attention to contexts and rule out systemic or external factors prior to making a referral.
In this workshop, participants will examine factors that must be considered when a student is at risk for referral to special education:
What are the legal requirements of serving English Language Leaners?
Who has knowledge of the process of second language acquisition and the linguistic background and history of the student?
How does the quality of current classroom instruction and prior schooling experiences impact student performance?
Are cultural dynamics or social-emotional resilience influencing interactions?
How are interventions and assessments being utilized in decision making?
What are the clinical markers of a disability and is there a deficit in the home language
Registration/Sign-in: 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.