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Supporting ELLs: Understanding Second Language Development (Part 1 of a 2-Part Virtual Series) (FOR SULLIVAN BOCES STAFF AND COMPONENT DISTRICTS ONLY)


Our classrooms today include students with a range of life experiences and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds; in Sullivan County, 1 in every 20 students is an English Language Learner (ELL). In order to support ELLs, classroom teachers need to understand how ELLs learn English within an inclusive classroom with scaffolded instruction. During this session, participants will learn about the language acquisition process and what students at varying proficiency levels can do, and how teachers can match instruction and activities to student needs. We will also explore how knowing our ELLs' stories can help us leverage their experiences in our instruction.

(Note: Part 1 is not a prerequisite for Part 2)

To access this workshop, a Zoom link will be shared with registered participants to the email addresses they used to enroll in Frontline (MLP).

Fee: Free

For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.

To register for this workshop please click here.