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FOR ARLINGTON ARTHUR S. MAY SCHOOL (K-5) ONLY: Incorporating Vocabulary Routines (Two Sessions - April 25 & May 23, 2022) - Synchronous via Zoom (SESSION 1)

Effective instruction in vocabulary must include a strategic combination of direct and indirect instructional routines that support English Language Learners' (and all students') development of academic language across content areas.

Participants in this workshop will identify ways to build academic language and vocabulary through interactive listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. We will examine criteria for strategically identifying and selecting vocabulary for explicit direct instruction and creating indirect learning opportunities.

Participants are asked to log in to the Zoom sessions on individual devices to maximize access to workshop materials and facilitate equitable engagement and participation for all.

Links to the Course Materials and the Zoom meetings will be provided in the morning on the days of the Zoom sessions to registered participants at the email addresses they used to enroll in Frontline (MLP).

Attendance at both sessions is required to earn CTLE hours.

Fee: Free

For questions regarding this activity, please contact Alison Provencher.

To register for this workshop please click here.