Students today must learn an increasingly sophisticated combination of advanced literacy skills and competences. Reading and writing - which are language-based skills - are essential for reaching high levels of academic achievement in our schools. Participants in this series will leave with a deep understanding of how schools and districts can organize instructional cycles and make curricular decisions aligned with the Advanced Literacy Hallmarks, ensuring access and relevance for linguistically diverse learners.
Participants will take a deep dive into NYSED's Advanced Literacy Briefs on Linguistically Diverse Learners while learning how to evaluate curriculum and instruction for presence of the four Hallmarks of Advanced Literacy Instruction - Engaging Texts, Rich Discussion, Frequent Writing and Academic Vocabulary.
Participants will also consider how to incorporate Professional Learning around the Advanced Literacies into their schools and districts. Participants will leave with tools designed to assist them as they incorporate the Hallmarks into school and district practices.
Please note: This is a 2-part series for 3 hours each date for a total of 6 CTLE credits if BOTH sessions are attended.
Please register by Monday, February 13, 2022.
Workshop Fee: Free
For questions regarding this activity, please contact Ann Narcisse at PNW BOCES.