Instruction in the 5 pillars of reading is necessary - but not sufficient - for developing literacy in English language learners. To effectively develop vocabulary research identifies a combination of direct and indirect instructional practices that support English Language Learners across content areas. Students will benefit from a consistent approach to vocabulary instruction as part of routines that foster listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
In this workshop, participants will examine:
What is different about teaching the key components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension) to ELLs
Engagement strategies for before, during and after reading supports
How to create opportunities to develop oral language
Criteria for identifying the academic vocabulary needed from the content for direct instruction
How to plan a vocabulary lesson for explicit direct instruction
Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials.
Cost: Free
For questions regarding this activity, please contact Alison Provencher.