This series will help co-teaching pairs to understand, plan for, and successfully implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching in their content area classes. This series will discuss the NYS Co-Teaching Topic Briefs and reference the book Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.
Session 1 will focus on building co-teaching relationships, culturally responsive sustaining education, and instructional strategies.
Session 2 will focus on co-planning practices and routines.
Session 3 will focus on co-teaching models.
Opportunities for implementation of the practices and strategies will be embedded throughout the series.
We strongly recommend that ENL teachers attend this series with one co-teacher to allow pairs to strengthen their relationship and dedicate time within each session to planning upcoming units and lessons that they will co-teach together. Dually certified ENL and content area teachers are also encouraged to register.
Participants should bring a device in order to access workshop materials.
Workshop Fee: Free
For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.