HV RBERN Professional Development

In order to better serve our region, the NYS Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN) is gathering data to inform our grant-funded professional development initiatives, as well as other support, and we request that you take a few minutes to complete this survey. In addition, as applicable, we are seeking qualitative input with regard to our provided services.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to forward this survey to other educators in your district.


Corrections to the 2018-19 School Year English Language Learner Graduation Rate Data for Accountability Purposes

NYS Community Schools, Technical Assistance Centers, Eastern Region, Rockland 21C

Are you interested in starting an After-School program; but don't know what steps to take? Register for the ETAC After-School Resource Guide.

Career Opportunities

Ossining UFSD

Yonkers Public Schools

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.


HV RBERN Professional Development

In order to better serve our region, the NYS Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN) is gathering data to inform our grant-funded professional development initiatives, as well as other support, and we request that you take a few minutes to complete this survey. In addition, as applicable, we are seeking qualitative input with regard to our provided services.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to forward this survey to other educators in your district.

Career Opportunities


Yonkers Public Schools

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.


HV RBERN Professional Development

In order to better serve our region, the NYS Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN) is gathering data to inform our grant-funded professional development initiatives, as well as other support, and we request that you take a few minutes to complete this survey. In addition, as applicable, we are seeking qualitative input with regard to our provided services.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to forward this survey to other educators in your district.

Bilingual Education/ESOL at Aldelphi University

Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute (CR-ITI)

Initial application deadline for Fall: July 15
Initial application deadline for Spring: October 15

Adelphi University offers funding opportunities for 40 public school teachers from NYC and New York State towards certification in Bilingual Education or ESOL. CR-ITI partial tuition support assists teachers in completing five courses (15 credits) in Adelphi's one-year program. Each teacher will be paired with a Bilingual/ESOL certified mentor from their school or district and should be committed to teaching EN/BL students for two years after completion of the program. Fill out the initial application online and learn more about the program by visiting their website. Program flyer can be viewed here.

Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages

The June 2021 newsletter from the OBEWL has been released. This newsletter is also published on their website along with an archive of previous issues.

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.