/The HV RBERN is pleased to announce NYSESLAT workshops scheduled for early 2019. Please click on the links below to register:
Administration of the NYSESLAT - Training & Review (1/2 DAY in AM)
2/12/19, 8:30 am - 11:30 am, Rockland BOCES
3/19/19, 8:30 am - 11:30 am, Southern Westchester BOCES
This HALF DAY training session is intended for those new to NYSESLAT administration, as well as for those who are already familiar with administration of the annual "NYS English as a Second Language Achievement Test" (NYSESLAT) and want a “refresher”.
There are still seats available in the following upcoming HV RBERN workshops:
Incorporating Vocabulary Routines for English Language Learners
12/11/18, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Rockland BOCES
This workshop combines direct and indirect instructional practices that have been identified in research as effective for building student vocabulary in any content area.
Pre-Referral Considerations for English Language Learners
1/8/19, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Rockland BOCES
This workshop will invite participants to examine the behaviors associated with new language acquisition as well as clinical markers of a disability. We will identify factors that must be considered prior to referring an ELL student for an evaluation.
NYSED recently announced that there is a new testing accommodation for English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners (ELL/MLLs) taking Regents Examinations. Principals may now approve Next-Day Completion of a Regents Examination for an ELL/MLL or former ELL/MLL who has been granted the accommodation of extended time and is scheduled to take two Regents Examinations on the same day. This new accommodation, referred to as Next-Day Completion, will be available beginning with the January 2019 Regents Examination period. For information, please see the memo here. Questions may be directed to the Office of State Assessment at 518-474-8220, or can be sent to emscassessinfo@nysed.gov.
New York State's ESSA Plan for Growth in English Language Proficiency (ELP) Webinar is available here on NYSED's website. This webinar focuses on the New York State English as a second language achievement test (NYSESLAT) and provides an overview of the four steps to determine a school-level rating in ELP.
Save the Date:
NYSABE 2019 Conference
March 21-23, 2019, Crowne Plaza Hotel, White Plains
Proposal Application Submission Deadline — Friday, December 7, 2018
Professional Award Nominations Submission Deadline — Friday, December 14, 2018
NYSABE Student Statewide Essay Contest and Nivia Zavala Special Art Contest for ELLs/Bilingual Learners with Disabilities Deadline — January 21, 2019
To view more details about the conference, please click here. The NYSABE Region 3 December newsletter can be viewed here.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns.