Title III ELL Allocations Posted

The Title III ELL Allocations have been posted; Title III Immigrant Allocations should be out within the week. Information about allocations is linked here. For the direct link, please click here

The 2018-19 SIRS Manual (School Information Repository System) initial release, with highlighted changes for the 2018-19 school year, has been posted at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/ effective today. Districts are required to report student data and use the system for data analysis. 

Due to popular demand, new HV RBE-RN workshops have been added. (See our website for additional workshop schedules.) Please click on the links below to register:

NYSITELL/NYSESLAT Training at Sullivan County BOCES
9/20/18, 8:30-11:30 AM

This half-day workshop provides training for those new to administering the NYSITELL/NYSESLAT, or for those who would like a refresher. These New York State assessments of English proficiency are now aligned; participants will practice administering the tests and will practice scoring sample speaking and writing responses.

Planning for Instruction Using NYSESLAT Data at Sullivan County BOCES
9/20/18, 12:30-3:30 PM

In this hands-on half-day workshop, participants will gain understanding of the importance of data-informed instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs), deconstruct NYSESLAT data through the four modalities, and practice strategies for NYSESLAT data analyzation.

Classrooms as Culturally Responsive Learning Communities at Rockland BOCES
10/16/18, 9-3:00 PM

Participants will examine strategies and inclusive practices that foster cultural openness and provide students with healthy experiences of sociocultural integration.

Note: Districts must submit their Comprehensive ELL Education Plans (CEEP) and Data/Information Report (downloaded from the same site) via the NYSED Business Portal no later than October 19, 2018Each school office is to keep a copy of the completed district CEEP and have it available for review upon request.  

Please contact the HV RBE-RN with questions or if support is needed.