HV RBERN New Workshop And Partner Events
/We hope your school year is off to an incredible start!
In order to better serve our region, the NYS Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN) is gathering data to inform our grant-funded professional development initiatives.
We kindly request that you take a moment to complete this short survey (https://goo.gl/forms/996x3ZWLZqNYRb8v1). Our intent is to gauge your professional development needs as they relate to supporting English Language Learners (ELLs) in our region. In addition, if you received HV RBERN support or attended our workshops during the 2017-2018 school year, we ask that you please rate your level of satisfaction with the HV RBERN, as well as provide feedback on our performance. (If you completed the survey in June or over the 2018 summer, thank you! This is the same survey you completed previously.)
Your responses will assist us in providing better services to meet your needs. Please feel free to forward this survey to other educators in your district. We appreciate your assistance!
We’re happy to announce a new HV RBERN workshop:
A Teacher’s Practical Guide to Migrant Students, Trauma, & Social Emotional Learning
11/7/18, Rockland BOCES, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
When children are impacted by stress and trauma, supports must be provided to develop various skills in order to even begin to tackle the aftermath of these experiences. This workshop will build participants’ awareness of the various traumas and stresses that can affect many of our students, specifically migrant students. We will identify practical classroom strategies for incorporating social emotional learning to support both teachers and students. To register in MLP please click here.
Southern Westchester BOCES and HV RBERN are collaboratively offering:
STEMposium for English Language Learners
10/9/18, 8:30 am-3:00 pm, Southern Westchester BOCES, Harrison, NY
This event is open to both SW BOCES and non-SW BOCES component districts. View flyer with more details here.
To view all current HV RBERN workshops in MLP please click here.
We’d like to share the following events from our partners:
NYS TESOL 48th Annual Conference
Experience: The Heart of Teaching and Learning
11/2 & 11/3/18, Albany Marriot, Albany NY
To view more details about this event please click here.
New York State World Languages in the 21st Century
11/6/18, Saratoga Springs City Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 8:00 am-4:00 pm
For details, view flyer here.
From SUNY New Paltz:
24th Annual Multicultural Education Conference
Listen, Educate, Advocate: Diverse Voices United for Democratic School
11/16/18, Student Union Building- SUNY New Paltz, 8:30 am-2:30 pm
For details about this conference please click here.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.