HV RBERN Workshops and Other Events

Please be informed that the title for the "NYSESLAT Skills" workshop that was previously offered has been changed to "Next Generation Standards, NYSESLAT Skills and ELL Instruction." This change has been made to reflect that the workshop will now include information regarding how NYSESLAT skills and instructional foci relate to the Next Generation Standards. There are still seats available for the following sessions- please click on the links below to register:

Next Generation Standards, NYSESLAT Skills and ELL Instruction (1/2 DAY in PM)
2/12/19, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Rockland BOCES
3/19/19, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Southern Westchester BOCES

To view all of our current workshops, please click here.

NYSED's Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBE/WL)has several professional development opportunities available to World Language teachers and administrators for 2019. To view the list, please click here.

Pre-Register now for the 40th Annual Applied Linguistics Winter Conference (ALWC 2019):
Saturday, 2/9/19, SUNY Binghamton, NY
Pre-register online here. Access the conference site here.

Save the Date: March 21-23, 2019
NYSABE 2019 Conference
Transforming Language Learners, Their Multiliteracies, and the World through Bilingual Education
Crowne Plaza White Plains, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, NY
View the flyer here. Follow this link to see the pricing schedule and to register.