ELL Connection Fridays (Series)


The first HV RBERN ELL Connection Friday Virtual Meetup was well-received by educators of ELLs. On Friday, March 27, 2020, 70 educators participated in a Zoom Conference call during which several educators shared ideas and resources that they are using during home instruction. The chat feed was a beehive of activity as participants continued to share resources and ask questions of each other. The 90-minute session and chat can be found through the link Workshop Presentations on our website; then go to subfolder: "ELL Connection Zoom Meetings". Here is an example of the feedback received:

“I appreciated this very much. I learned so many new ideas, as I have been 'stuck' trying to connect with my students online. I am so excited to try out some of these new ideas. It was great to see so many friendly faces and share experiences. Thank you!” – Jennifer Bartimole, Mid-Hudson Migrant Education

This event will continue to be held on Friday afternoons from 1:00 – 2:30 PM. The focus of the sessions will alternate between elementary and secondary grades.

For more information and to register for ELL Connection Fridays, please use the links below.

ELL Connection Fridays (Series)

Elementary Series: April 3 and April 17, 2020, 1:00 – 2:30 PM

Secondary Series: April 10 and April 24, 2020, 1:00 – 2:30 PM

ELL Connection Fridays will provide educators of ELLs the opportunity to connect while adjusting to distance instruction. During a Zoom Conference Call, educators of ELLs will share ideas and resources that they are using that are supportive of ELLs during home instruction. As a result of participation in this session, educators will learn about what others are doing in support of ELLs as well as connect with educators from across the Hudson Valley region.

This session and the associated chat will be recorded and will be made available in the ELL Connection Zoom Meetings folder accessed through our website.

Registered participants will receive an email with the Zoom conference call information prior to the conference call. Upon completion of the call, registered participants will receive a link to a feedback form; completion of the feedback form will confirm attendance.

Participants: ENL teachers and coordinators, classroom teachers, administrators, and support staff who support students who are ELLs.

Note: Participants can register for both the elementary and secondary series.


NYS TESOL has shared the following list of webinars currently available.

Teach from Home Google Site

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.