PD Opportunity for Tuesday 2/2/2021

Professional Development opportunity through the Long Island RBERN- tomorrow, 2/2/2021

The L.I. RBERN is very excited to welcome renowned ELL literacy and language acquisition expert, Dr. Kenji Hakuta, Professor of Education, Emeritus, Stanford University to tomorrow's Tune in Tuesday! We realize this is late notice but it was too exciting an opportunity to pass up. Please share with colleagues, as appropriate and we hope you will join us for what is sure to be an informative session.

Vocabulary and Academic Language Development with Dr. Kenji Hakuta
): Dr. Kenji Hakuta, hosted by Denise McAuliffe
Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 1:30-2:30 PM
Location (if applicable): Zoom

Description: The LI RBERN is excited to welcome special guest speaker Dr. Kenji Hakuta, Lee L. Jacks Professor of Education, Emeritus at Stanford University. Renowned for his accomplishments in Linguistics and Language Sciences, Dr. Hakuta will lead us in a conversation about vocabulary and academic language development for English language learners. He will also discuss WordSift.org, a free resource he developed, and share his own thoughts and intents on how this tool can be used instructionally to build background, vocabulary, and academic language in content classrooms. Please join us for this special event!

Register: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?I=3721052&D=10057

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.