HV RBERN Professional Development

In order to better serve our region, the NYS Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN) is gathering data to inform our grant-funded professional development initiatives, as well as other support, and we request that you take a few minutes to complete this survey. In addition, as applicable, we are seeking qualitative input with regard to our provided services.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to forward this survey to other educators in your district.


The New York State Board of Regents and State Education Department published the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) Education Framework in 2018 and have now published a guide for implementation: the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Implementation Roadmap (K-12). The CR-S Framework and Roadmap are committed to encouraging equity and inclusion for all the students and families in our state. The Roadmap, developed by a Strategy Committee that included classroom teachers, educators, community partners, and higher education representatives from across New York State, includes action steps and links to free resources for school districts and community groups as they strive to do this important work. As more resources are developed, the Department will continue to expand the resources section of the Roadmap and the CR-S website.

In addition, the Department has posted a set of six CR-S Framework Briefs. The purpose of the briefs is to highlight the important concepts of the CR-S Framework as an introduction for educators, administrators, parents/caregivers, community members, and students. These briefs can be used as a professional development resource that encourages the reading of the CR-S Framework in its entirety.

Questions regarding the CR-S materials can be directed to the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at emscurric@nysed.gov.

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.