HV RBERN's Summer of Self-guided Professional Learning is now live!

Summer of Self-guided Learning

July 15 through August 15, 2022

The HV RBERN is running a free, month-long virtual professional learning camp to support educators as they continue to build capacity in meeting the needs of ELLs in their schools and classrooms. Our camp features multiple workshops on ELL-related topics; participants will select workshops that best meet their needs.

Successful completion of individual workshops will result in CTLE credits; credits per workshop will vary; and will be delivered through a digital certificate. Each workshop activity will generate its own CTLE certificate, which will be emailed directly to participants upon 80% correct completion of its culminating quiz. FRONTLINE (MLP) REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED.

As per the NYS Blueprint for ELL Success, all teachers are teachers of English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners and need to plan accordingly by:

  • Designing and delivering instruction that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for all diverse learners, including those with Individualized Education Programs (IEP).

  • Providing integrated language and content instruction to support language development through language-focused scaffolds. Bilingual, ENL, and other content-area teachers must collaborate purposefully and consistently to promote academic achievement in all content areas.

  • Utilizing materials and instructional resources that are linguistically age/grade appropriate and aligned to the Next Generation Learning Standards.

  • Collaborating with school support personnel and community-based human resources in order to address the multiple needs of ELLs/MLLs.

To access the workshop activities, utilize the links provided here:

Summer of Self-guided Professional Learning.

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you have.