Hudson Valley RBERN Update

HV RBERN Professional Learning Opportunities

Self-Guided HV RBERN Workshops

Experience RBERN workshops at your own pace and earn CTLE certificates when it's convenient for you. Registration is not required.

ENL Co-Teaching Models

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students

NYSESLAT Administration Training

NYSITELL Administration Training

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

NYSED Office of State Assessment

NYSESLAT Teacher Recruitment Opportunity

The Office of State Assessment is seeking qualified professionals to serve as committee members for ongoing test development activities for the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT). New York State-certified teachers, with special consideration for those who hold a certification specific to English Language Learners, are encouraged to apply to participate in the test development process. Activities for which educators are needed include:

  • Standard Setting: Participants will recommend performance standards for each level of achievement on the test.

  • Passage and Item Review: Participants will review narrative and informational passages and items, to be used on field tests and operational tests, for content accuracy, adherence to development criteria, and overall quality.

  • Range Finding: Participants will review and score field tested constructed response items and select anchor papers to be used in scoring guides.

  • Final Eyes Review: Participants perform the final review of operational test forms before administration.

Complete the online application to be considered for these test development activities. For more information, click here.

CUNY Initiative on Immigration and Education

Free Virtual Workshop: Information Session for NY Community-Based Organizations 

Monday, June 3, 2024, 2:00-4:00 PM

The CUNY-Initiative on Immigration and Education (CUNY-IIE) is delighted to invite you to a dynamic and FREE virtual information session designed just for CBO staff members and educators. Join us to learn, act, and advocate for equitable education for immigrant-origin students and their families.

The interactive session will provide an overview of CUNY-IIE’s grounding principles and the multimodal and multilingual resources developed for educators to use with colleagues, students, families, and community members.

For any questions, feel free to reach out to Sunisa Nuonsy, CUNY-IIE Project Researcher, at

Register Here

Career Opportunities

Peekskill City School District

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you may have.

Hudson Valley RBERN Update

HV RBERN Professional Learning Opportunities

Current HV RBERN Workshops

5/20/24 Integrated ENL Co-Planning Focus Group - via Zoom

Self-Guided HV RBERN Workshops

Experience RBERN workshops at your own pace and earn CTLE certificates when it's convenient for you. Registration is not required.

ENL Co-Teaching Models

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students

NYSESLAT Administration Training

NYSITELL Administration Training

New York State Education Department

Spring 2024 New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)

The Spring 2024 NYSESLAT Speaking session may be given from Tuesday, May 7 through Friday, May 24, with make-ups given within this testing period. NYSESLAT Listening, Reading, and Writing may be given from Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 24, with make-ups given within this testing period.

Please note, there will be no extensions to the test administration periods.  

If you need additional testing materials, please contact MetriTech Customer Service by email at or by phone at (800) 747-4868.

For questions about administering the NYSESLAT, please contact the Office of State Assessment by email at or by phone at 518-474- 5902.

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages

Checkpoint A Benchmark Proficiency Assessment Guidance and Item Writing Workshops

Summer 2024

This is a two-day, in-person workshop in each of nine regions in New York State to support NYS world language educators to understand and apply the Principles and Guidelines for Adopting or Creating Locally Developed Benchmark Assessments for Checkpoint A. View flyer here.

Register Here

CUNY Graduate Center

School-Wide Systems for Multilingual Learner Success: An Online Course for School and District Leaders

  • 5 Zoom sessions in July | 12:30-3:00 PM

Based on the book, School-wide Systems for Multilingual Learner Success - A Roadmap for Leaders by Lisa Auslander and Joanna Yip, this course provides an interactive learning opportunity for school and district leaders to collaborate and design school environments that address the needs of multilingual learners. In the course, participants will preview and learn to use resources to develop their leadership in serving multilingual students.

Course Flyer


CUNY-Initiative on Immigration and Education

Information Sessions for NY Community-Based Organizations

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:00-12:00 PM

  • Monday, June 3, 2024, 2:00-4:00 PM

CUNY-IIE is thrilled to invite CBO staff members and educators to two FREE virtual information sessions designed to help them learn, act, and advocate for an equitable education for immigrant-origin students and their families. 

The interactive sessions will provide an overview of CUNY-IIE’s grounding principles and the multimodal and multilingual resources developed for educators to use with colleagues, students, families, and community members.

Celebrate Immigrant Art at UndocuEdu's Art Exhibition!

Belonging Beyond Borders: Nuances Exploring Immigrant Identity, Community, & Joy

Saturday, May 25, 2024, 12:00-5:00 PM

To celebrate the end of CUNY-IIE’s UndocuEdu tenure, they are hosting an event to showcase artwork from various immigrant artists. This exhibit will focus on the joyful yet complex experiences of immigrant communities and individuals.


New Video - Beyond Status: Inspiring Stories of Resilience and Advocacy in Education

Video Link

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you may have.

Hudson Valley RBERN Update

HV RBERN Professional Learning Opportunities

Current HV RBERN Workshops

5/10/24 Integrated ENL Co-Teaching for School and District Leaders - at Dutchess BOCES

5/20/24 Integrated ENL Co-Planning Focus Group - via Zoom

Self-Guided HV RBERN Workshops

Experience RBERN workshops at your own pace and earn CTLE certificates when it's convenient for you. Registration is not required.

ENL Co-Teaching Models

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students

NYSESLAT Administration Training

NYSITELL Administration Training

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages

OBEWL is pleased to announce the following free professional learning opportunities:

For more information on professional learning webinars for world language educators, please visit OBEWL's website.

CUNY Initiative on Immigration and Education

Free Virtual Workshop: Cultivating Intentional Support for Undocumented Students

Saturday, May 11, 2024, 5:00 PM

This virtual workshop is tailored for Immigrant Youth Workers/Educators emphasizing advocacy, the session equips attendees with effective engagement and support strategies. 


Immigration & Education Information Sessions for NY Community-Based Organizations: Register Today!

CUNY II-E will hold two information sessions for CBO staff members to learn, act, and advocate for an equitable education for immigrant-origin students and their families. 

The interactive sessions will provide an overview of CUNY-IIE’s grounding principles and the multimodal and multilingual resources developed for educators to use with colleagues, students, families, and community members.

Upcoming Virtual CTLE Course: Immigration in Secondary Schools

  • Thursday, May 23, 6:00-8:30 PM (Virtual)

  • Thursday, May 30, 6:00-8:30 PM (Virtual)

  • Thursday, June 6, 6:00-8:30 PM (Virtual)

This module will help educators explore and identify what advocacy can look like in our schools and classrooms, learn how to support immigrant-origin students with college and career access and understand how to support immigrant-origin youth empowerment in and out of schools.



Institute on Immigrant Integration Research & Policy

Leveraging Opportunities for Immigrant Integration in New York State

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 1:00-5:00 PM

This conference, held at the University at Albany, brings together practitioners, policymakers, policy implementers, and researchers to explore opportunities for integrating immigrants in New York State, regardless of their length of stay or year of arrival.
