This session is designed for grade level, content, and ENL teachers who instruct SIFE. Co-teaching teams are encouraged to attend together. This session will focus on strategies for addressing the socio-emotional and academic needs of SIFE. Participants will discuss the specific strengths and challenges of these students and strategies for building on these strengths in support of SIFE. Participants will also explore and apply strategies for the effective instruction of SIFE. They will conclude the day by setting goals for strengthening the support for and education of SIFE in their contexts.
Participants will take away practical strategies for effective instruction and socio-emotional support for SIFE and will leave the day with clear goals for supporting SIFE in their context.
Participants are requested to bring a laptop or other device for use during selected activities in the workshop and a lesson plan they have used or will use in their classes.
Registration/Sign-in: 8:00-8:30 AM
Cost: Free
Lunch: On your own
For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBE-RN.
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